Proclamation: a public or official announcement, especially one dealing with a matter of great importance; a clear declaration of something.
Kid Book of the Day:
John Phillip Duck
From the book jacket: "When young Edward first brought his tiny wild duck to the grand hotel where he worked with his pa, his only thought was to keep it hidden. After all, he just needed a warm place for his little pet to stay during the day. Everyone helped keep his secret. Until one day, when Mr. Schutt, the blustery hotel manager, discovered the duck swimming in the lobby fountain! Surprised but not defeated, Edward showed Mr. Schutt how his duck could perform, even march to a John Phillip Sousa tune. Maybe Edward could train other ducks to do the same. All he needed was Mr. Schutt's okay -- but could he get it in time to save John Phillip Duck? Patricia Polacco brings the first of the famous Peabody Hotel ducks colorfully to life in this warm and wonderful story about a boy who wouldn't give up and his unforgettable duck."
My girls liked this book so much that we read it two or three times over the course of the couple of weeks we had it on loan from the school library. Having been to the Peabody Hotel, I was totally sucked in and came to believe that this was a true tale of how the hotel came by its ducks....but the last page reveals that it is an "entirely fictional story of a young man who dared to bring his pet duck to the marbled halls of the famous Peabody Hotel."
Today's Weather for the Roxiticus Valley:
Partly sunny and breezy, highs in the mid 40s. Flood warning is in effect. Tonight, partly cloudy and colder, lows in the upper 20s.
EDIT 3/6: The highs actually got into the 60s. Warm but rainy.
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